Liberta is a product planning company
in this age of direct sales and B2C consumerism.
- 1. Product planning
- Based on the structure of continuously creating unique popular products and “emerging hits”, as a fabless manufacture of product planning without being bound by any genres and industry we corporate with a manufacture specializing in product development, and as a professional marketing company evaluating and reediting the planning and value of hidden products including materials and technology of other companies, we strive to lead to create hit products.

- 2. Distribution sales
- Regarding the sale of products planned in section 1, we conduct business transactions with major retail chains handling a variety of domestic genres and direct transactions with major wholesalers. Furthermore, we ship not only domestically but also overseas to more than 60 countries.

- We create products and value that consumers would wish was readily available based on the know-how suitable for this age of direct sales and B2C consumerism
- The era of simply serving customers and selling products is over and we’re living in the age in which products that require any explanation cannot be sold in stores (age of price appeal). Liberta is suited to the times and strive to create products and value that consumers wish without the need for explanations.
- The pursuit of efficiency in the retail industry has significantly changed the way consumers purchase items. The biggest phenomenon is direct sales. Sales staff will ask what a customer wants, and there are no more proposals or recommended customer service forms. From department stores to convenience stores and even mail order services, customers search for products themselves, decide to purchase them, and pay for them at the register themselves. During that time, there is no explanation of the product, and it is up to the customer to decide which products are better than others. In order to respond to these changes in the industry, manufacturers must create products that customers want to choose.
- We work together with companies and people who need help to create “I want this!”
- It is necessary to feel “I want this!” to sell products. However, the reality is that many companies are suffering in selling their products. Essential products are valuable in and of themselves because there is a purpose behind every product.
The companies who need help selling their products create products that they want to sell and companies that produce popular products make products of things wanted (things consumers wish to have). If a product cannot be sold, it is not possible to develop sales channels, and sales productivity will decrease leading to a vicious cycle.
However, people are always looking for products that make them say “I want that!”